Entered the BE100 with J as a sweetener to his first Novice run at Burgham. I am hoping to alternate between Novice and BE100 over this season to keep him feeling positive with the aim that perhaps we could think about doing Blair CCI 1* next August 2014

Anyway my aim for Floors was to get inside the time XC, we have always picked up a few time faults.
Anyway set off in Trudy (the truck who has been sick recently) and she drove like a dream to get us there in plenty of time before Dressage. Unfortunately it rained the whole way there, and all day long. Luckily for me the occasional dry spell happened when I was riding so J and I were lucky!
Dr was in front of the beautiful castle, what an awesome venue, and although I tried to ride more positive we still get a pants score of 39.0 which left us 24th out of 35 after Dr

Video here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151892127218998
We had a few hours to wait until after Dr so went to walk the XC. Unfortunately it monsooned it down and despite being in waterproofs i was soaked to the knickers! The course was a bold galloping track, with alot of non-portables, due to the rain the water jump was getting deeper, the BE100 only had a run in and step out so I wasn't worried.
Went back to the lorry to get changed and ready to do SJ, tacked up and headed over to find they were running behind and still had a course walk. Still it stayed dry while I kept him walking around and watched a few go - didn't walk the course but could see it was slippery on the turn back to fence 3 and 6, alot of people had major problems on the course. The warm up was a bit tricky, due to slippery ground so i only jumped half a dozen times before going in.
Video here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151892896423998
Fab Hubby took his camera to video me for the Dr and SJ and took some photees of the XC. He's great considering it was extremely wet and he is not horsey at all.
In the SJ I used the corners to stay wide and balanced, very pleased that we jumped clear but my upper body was like a sack of potatoes, very cross with myself for that although J jumped well! We normally have one down when jumping on grass so I was chuffed - perhaps he likes the wet!
Off to XC, due to the time delay SJ they were taking people as you arrived, as it was very soon after SJ didn't need much so as I only had one before me I popped the warm up a couple of times before heading to the start box.
So off we set and what a round, the boy just locked onto every thing and flew. The hill beyond a fan fence at fence 7 was slippy but I just asked him to steady and he slowed! came down the hill to pop fence 8 with ease.
The only slight hitch we had was in the water, we cantered in and he locked onto the intermediate jump

Went to collect Dr sheet which says on forehand for most of it so need to work on that. End result was 39.0, Clear SJ and Clear XC........INSIDE THE TIME.... Woop Woop!! We climbed up to 12th place with our final score so very pleased with that result.
The beautiful venue

Fence before the coffin - thanks to Grossick Photography

Coffin - pic taken by hubby

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