Hi all
Sorry its taken so long to get an Aske report!
Sorry its taken so long to get an Aske report!
I entered Aske and requested an early start time as I was driving down on the Saturday. I had originally wanted to compete at Burgie (Sat) but we were taking some sheep along to the Hebridean Show and Sale at Stirling on the Friday night/Sat morning. We won breed champion at the sale and our shearling (not the champ) was one of the top ones to sell

Anyway I headed down to Aske on Sat after Jack was scrubbed clean. My stable was about 20 minutes away from the venue at a pig farm

My friend met me to chauffeur me to the xc course so I could walk it as my times were close together (thank you). Course looked nice, the BE100 was running as we went round with some very dodgy stride missers - the one thing that shocked us was some rider who lost control of their horse on the way to fence 5, the horse went through the string so they got it under control and tried to jump the string to get back on course

I was eyeing the course up for the Novice, and the only fence I could see that I think J would need so pre-schooling over would be the hedge jump into water. Need to find an xc course with a proper jump in that I can school over - any ideas?
Went back to the truck, tucked J in for the night and turned on the tv. was a lovely evening just me and my dog

Got up early (was the first to be up in the morning) found I had the only stable with rubbish lighting

parked up, tacked up and hopped on, my feet were freezing

The course was on a slope, I thought the ring was nice and J was jumping well. Went in with a *slight* hope we might break our 4-faultitis-at-BE-events but it was not to be - what a total misser I got to the 4th fence - to be honest he did well not to have both parts. Not sure why but my eyes were watering going round - think i need racing goggles

Anyway, happy enough with 4f, as he jumped well. My friend had come along to watch again so we had a chuckle at my expense and patted the very good horse for being an honest soul while heading over to start xc.
I really enjoyed the course, was a good end of season run, although not as hard as it had been previously from what I heard. J jumped well, pinged everything and came home clear with 6 time faults.
Our tf are getting better, its really me that wants to keep him continuing to grow in confidence so haven't been chasing the time too much. Next year we'll do more work on that. Interestingly my friend who watched (who has done advanced etc) said that she felt I needed to get him to some gallops next spring as he needs to learn to gallop and properly open out. She felt that although he could cover the ground easily, he just wasn't yet doing it.
So thats a good plan for next year I think. (thats if there are any events to go to!)
Pics from Aske:

And just a quick update with Larry, he has now started his training slowly due to the weather. He is already bitted so the bridle has been fitted, breaking roller was ignored so has been introduced to lunging and a saddle!

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